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Educational Laboratory

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Unit 1 - THE LAKE OF THE SWANS by Pyotr Il'ič Tchaikovsky

Tchaikovsky's dream comes true....

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Unit 2 - The True Story of LAKE DEI CIGNI

Once upon a time...
Odette, a beautiful princess of pure soul,
who long ago refused the court of Rothbart,
an evil wizard, capable of transforming himself into an owl.

Unit 3 - Dancing on water

Swan Lake is a ballet: how wonderful!
The most important thing for dancing is passion! Everyone can dance: tall and short, male and female, skinny and fat, and even notebooks, if they really have passion, can do it!

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Unit 4 - Swans also dance

Did you know that swans, at special moments in their lives, start dancing?
Swans not only dance, they can also sing!

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Print out the game board and create your pawn to get into the swing of the Swan Fable. Below you will also find all the rules to take into account before starting the game.