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Monday 12 December Extraordinary concert with John Williams

The five-time Oscar-winning composer at Teatro alla Scala.

On Monday 12 December at 8 p.m., John Williams will take the podium at Filarmonica della Scala for an extraordinary out-of-season event. The date replaces the one previously announced for June and confirms the presence at Teatro alla Scala of one of the best-known and most popular American composers. Alongside musicians of the calibre of Philip Sousa, Aaron Copland and Leonard Bernstein, Williams boasts an impressive list of awards including five Oscars, numerous gold and platinum records, two Emmy wins, three Golden Globe awards and 25 Grammys, but above all he is recognised worldwide for composing the music for major film sagas such as Star Wars, Harry Potter, Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park and many others. Williams is undoubtedly one of the most respected composers and the appointment with Filarmonica della Scala will be an unmissable opportunity to celebrate the career of a giant of music through his most famous pieces.

Link to Concert page

Tickets from €15 to €150 on sale from 10 October 2022 at 14.00 on vivaticket.it

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